What Do Transformational Coaches Do?
Transformational Coaches work with individual clients on a mission to discover purpose and achieve life satisfaction. Many times these goals require deep introspection about patterns that keep individuals feeling stuck in old thought patterns and behavioral cycles.
Transformational coaches offer one-on-one training to support individuals as they identify their personal challenges, goals, obstacles, and opportunities. This process involves the identification of how emotions relate to sensations in the body and invites individuals to re-write the stories they live by.
What Do Transformational Coaches Do?
Like Life Coaches, Transformational Coaches work with individual clients on a mission to discover purpose and achieve life satisfaction. Many times these goals require deep introspection about patterns that keep individuals feeling stuck in old ways of thinking and behavioural cycles.
By providing access to new perspectives and tools, and by providing weekly assignments to cultivate deeper change, a transformational coach provides the structure and the strategy to achieve the results.
The Key Transformational Coaching Technique
What a Transformational Coach will offer is a personalized strategy so that their client may achieve success. This strategy will be based on the Transformational Coach’s training and chosen coaching modality.
At AWE, we build customized transformational coaching programs based on the polyvagal theory and somatic experiencing. By inviting clients to explore their physical sensation, and connecting it to emotional experience, we propose a new lens through which they can view the world.

When the body is the key indicator of what we need, we can develop a new set of priorities in life. This can present quite the challenge for most people, as the felt senses aren’t frequently used.
By helping clients tap into the wisdom of their bodies, we unleash a very different experience of power and wisdom. From there, clients can re-write their narrative and create the life they’ve hoped for.
"Neuroscience has really helped us understand that you can’t talk yourself out of being in love, or being angry, or hating particular people because these are not rational processes, and reason has only very limited capacities to override these more primitive survival issues. And so, you need to not rely on reason, you need rely on mastery of your body, safety of your body, finding peace in your body."
- Bessel van der Kolk
What a Transformational Coach Offers
Some of the benefits of working with a Transformational Coach include:
- Guidance to create a list of life priorities
- Permission to list likes and dislikes
- Compassionate exploration of purpose and path
- Tools to achieve change and/or growth
- Strategic plans of action, including small, incremental manageable steps
- Accountability for actions
- Safe, attuned presence in the face of change
- Practical guidance grounded in science.
What Clients Gain from Transformational Coaching

Transformational coaching provides the opportunity to reflect on beliefs while providing the tools to change your mindset.
Some of the outcomes from the transformational coaching journey include:
- Discovery of a personal calling
- Cultivation of a spiritual path
- A sense of inner peace
- Capacity to hold fear, negativity and self-doubt
- Ability to transmute old patterns into new opportunities
- Renewed understanding of what constitutes self-care
- Patience and compassion to iterate on a plan
Explore your Purpose with AWE
AWE Education offers customized one-on-one coaching that stimulates awareness, remaps the nervous system and changes perspective. During your journey you’ll learn the essential skills to step fully onto your path, complete with strategic action plans built compassionately to support your success.
“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
- Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning